Thursday, June 8, 2017

Eyes for Design

Towering 57-stories into the air with 192 units, Jade Signature will be the largest residential tower on Sunny Isles Beach. This 4-year project is currently getting its final touches and is slated for grand opening in November 2017.

Two of the project's key features are the oculus' residing in the front and the back of the condominium. The oculus in the front greets residents in the main entry and is built within a large cast-in place concrete dome. This oculus "morphs and twists organically into a suspended ribbon wall at the double height lobby entrance." The oculus that resides on the back side of Jade Signature creates a domed canopy that provides shade and shelter while residents take in the stunning 270-degree views of the beach and ocean.

The intricate design of the oculus' comes from architect Herzog de Meuron, who designed Jade Signature. The oculus' proved to be a difficult obstacle to overcome but with Suffolk's 3D visualization and model based layout, Suffolk could prove they "understood the exact geometry expected to meet the condition of satisfaction."

Seen above are Revit models that the Suffolk team transferred to a 3D party modeler in order to accurately describe the dome geometry which was later accepted by Herzog de Meuron.


The horizontal and vertical sectioning information produced from Revit also allowed for the extraction of field coordinate points for layout. These points will be inputted into a total station and used to verify the formwork as-installed will accurately produce the West Dome geometry prior to the concrete placement. This process will provide a guarantee to HdM the dome will not be poured unless it is right.
The oculus' will be poured later this month.