Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 2014 Update

The Jade Signature Site is gearing up for the de-mobilization of the Berkel drilling rigs in anticipation of the below grade Tower Mat excavation.

The original calculated duration for the Tower Mat excavation work was over 15 weeks.  Through the use of pull planning techniques, Suffolk was able to shorten this duration to 11 weeks, shaving a month off the schedule! 

We remain optimistic that the rainy season in South Florida will cooperate with these upcoming below grade activities. Our site management crew was insightful in their planning and upcoming utilization of the “Power Breezers” for the excavation site. With the continuing curing of the below grade grout, the temperatures could be very uncomfortable if not for their insight and safety considerations. Stay Tuned for what we promise to be very interesting excavation photos of the pile shearing and pile profiling activities!